Short Codes UX

Short Codes UX

Short Codes UX

Short Codes UXUser Experience Design

You know those 5 or 6 digit phone numbers? The ones that text you gate change information and security confirmations? Those are called Short Codes. For banks, airlines, tech companies and just about any business who wants to reach their customers, Short Codes provide something email can't: a 98% open rate.

When leasing a Short Code, businesses have options. Do they want to select a custom code or receive a random code? How do they know if its memorable? What if the number 1 or 2 is important to your business — can they tailor some of the code? What if their budget is limited?

This January partnered with CTIA, manager of the Short Code registry, to revamp the process of leasing Short Codes. We simplified language, IA, and user flow to make the process equal parts easy and easy on the eyes.